1420 1020 1054 1004 1320 1461 1617 1360 1715 1200 1636 1808 1346 1826 1490 1473 1437 1252 1381 1005 1990 1040 1472 1928 1734 1370 1527 1800 1113 1817 1213 1514 1783 1141 1023 1866 1614 1618 1306 1272 1675 1410 1822 1074 1836 1539 1180 1698 1819 1128 1987 1854 1901 1686 1018 1246 1601 1894 1867 1357 1860 1750 1948 1004 1288 1607 1126 1876 1934 1233 1519 1644 1136 1541 1507 1704 1793 1407 1902 1506 1543 1465 1575 1696 1902 1459 1408 1539 1642 1547 1979 1515 1706 1512 1332 1798 1132 1544 1603
ระบบห้องสมุดอัตโนมัติ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี พระพุทธบาท
ระบบห้องสมุดอัตโนมัติ ULibM
วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี พระพุทธบาท

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mysqli: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Neil'' at line 1
select * from ignoreword where word='O'Neil' 
mysqli: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Neil%' ) )' at line 5
select count(id) as tmpqcount FROM index_db where  ispublish='yes' and 1     AnD   (  (auth like '%Sharon%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%Lund%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%O'Neil%' )   
mysqli: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Neil%' ) ) order by bibrating desc,titl asc LIMIT 0,10' at line 5
SELECT id,titl,auth,bibrating,mid,remoteindex FROM index_db where  ispublish='yes' and 1     AnD   (  (auth like '%Sharon%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%Lund%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%O'Neil%' )   
  order by bibrating desc,titl asc LIMIT 0,10
mysqli: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Neil%' ) ) order by bibrating desc,titl asc' at line 5
SELECT id,titl,auth,bibrating,mid,remoteindex FROM index_db where  ispublish='yes' and 1     AnD   (  (auth like '%Sharon%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%Lund%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%O'Neil%' )   
  order by bibrating desc,titl asc
พบจำนวน 0 รายการ
 ค้นหา ชื่อผู้แต่ง Sharon Lund O'Neil


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