1930 1791 1904 1092 1680 1451 1195 1554 1967 1915 1645 1227 1315 1011 1120 1729 1864 1672 1383 1618 1828 1700 1431 1626 1099 1699 1368 1176 1256 1010 1447 1425 1259 1078 1861 1704 1766 1711 1657 1594 1877 1500 1218 1927 1864 1851 1676 1622 1372 1577 1398 1922 1684 1360 1969 1096 1246 1088 1272 1939 1953 1446 1064 1563 1769 1670 1420 1330 1223 1444 1645 1036 1136 1356 1140 1544 1084 1721 1058 1586 1423 1995 1848 1948 1015 1263 1933 1551 1424 1478 1202 1657 1012 1435 1660 1900 1277 1927 1219
ระบบห้องสมุดอัตโนมัติ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี พระพุทธบาท
ระบบห้องสมุดอัตโนมัติ ULibM
วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี พระพุทธบาท

Change to English
mysqli: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Brien'' at line 1
select * from ignoreword where word='O'Brien' 
mysqli: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Brien%' ) )' at line 5
select count(id) as tmpqcount FROM index_db where  ispublish='yes' and 1     AnD   (  (auth like '%David%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%M.%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%O'Brien%' )   
mysqli: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Brien%' ) ) order by titl asc LIMIT 0,10' at line 5
SELECT id,titl,auth,bibrating,mid,remoteindex FROM index_db where  ispublish='yes' and 1     AnD   (  (auth like '%David%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%M.%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%O'Brien%' )   
  order by titl asc LIMIT 0,10
mysqli: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'Brien%' ) ) order by titl asc' at line 5
SELECT id,titl,auth,bibrating,mid,remoteindex FROM index_db where  ispublish='yes' and 1     AnD   (  (auth like '%David%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%M.%' )   
 AnD  (  (auth like '%O'Brien%' )   
  order by titl asc
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 ค้นหา ชื่อผู้แต่ง David M. O'Brien


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